Established in 1963, ISC Paris Business School is committed to providing business students with the high quality management skills necessary to operate and perform in a global environment.
All our programs in Business and Management Studies give our students access to unlimited competences which will surely boost them in their later careers. With our network of more than 155 partner universities in over 51 countries, we not only provide unlimited career opportunities for our students, but also encourage them to discover a diversity of cultures in order to gain a broader international perspective.
SCBS (South Champagne Business School) was created in 1992 with the official commitment of HEC Paris and ESCP Europe. It is therefore the youngest top French Business School. SCBS is part of the group Y SCHOOLS and prepares innovative and responsible managers able to address the complexity of a globalized world. In numbers, SCBS represent 4 programs, 1000 students, 40 nationalities and over 200 partner universities all over the world.
The Creativity Marketing Centre is a platform for thought-leadership and knowledge
exchange on the role of creativity as a driving force of value in marketing.
The Centre brings together academics, marketing practitioners and experts from all sectors, eager to participate in harnessing creativity to rethink the rules of the game in marketing. The Centre engages in cutting edge academic research on creativity and its role in strategic rethinking and marketing. Marketers need creativity, alongside rigorous analysis, to leverage the opportunities and meet the challenges that result from volatile contexts, markets redefined by interactive and mobile technologies, and the ever-increasing expectations of diversified stakeholders for transparency and engagement.